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Typing Tutor Signup

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Free Typing Tutor, so why register? Our server keeps track of each typing lesson completed, and requires some way to identify each of the millions of members. By creating a user account, you get a personalized profile which will store your typing performance. Your information is safe and private, we do NOT share personal information with anyone (privacy statement).

This section is for kids only, NO personally identifiable information is required to create a KIDS account with simpler content. The Grade selected is used to customize typing lessons appropriate for that age group. If you're all grown up, register for regular lessons.

For younger children Kindergarten thru 2nd Grade - NO ACCOUNT IS REQUIRED, parents can click straight to the Tots Typing section.

Teachers and educators, you should be using the free Learn2Type for Schools section.

If the Login Name that you select is not available you will have to choose a different one, so using your email address as a Login Name is recommended as no one else could be using it.

How does it work?
The typing tutor exercises you will find here are unique. Unlike traditional boring typing lessons where you are required to pound the same key with each finger again and again and again like a trained seal - our exercises are designed to provide simultenous practice to ALL your fingers. This reduces learning time dramatically, the human brain (unlike one in a seal) is indeed capable of multiple finger/key associations. Once you have mastered the basic exercises here, the learning process gets exponentially easier.

The typing lessons here are tailored to YOUR specific performance, not a "one size fits all" like traditional methods. After you complete each exercise, our server evaluates and analyzes your entry. The next exercise is prepared based on specific patterns detected in your results, for example strengthening a finger which has been consistently making mistakes or slowing down your speed. When you have mastered a specific exercise level, you will be automatically moved to the next higher level. Likewise, if you exhibit difficulties on that level, you will be moved back to the previous level for more practice. Of course, you do have the option to jump directly to any exercise level you wish.

And best of all, you can practice typing any time you want. On a lunch break, before school, after watching the late-late-late show, anytime! Our website is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our server will remember your performance for up to 7 days, so you could skip exercises for a day and go fishing if you wanted to.

You can also display your best daily typing test speeds on your own score page (if you wish). For professional use, official typing and ten key speed certifications are available for a small fee (optional).

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